Welcome to Neroli School of Beauty & Holistic Therapy.
Our training school has been established for 20 years. The training offered at Neroli is through distance learning.
This exciting way of learning, allows you to learning from the comfort of your own home at a pace which suits you.
We believe in supporting our students as much as you need through out the course. You have access to a tutor who is contactable through email or phone. Each month we offer live zoom workshops which covers different topics and allows students to ask a tutor questions if you need too. These sessions are optional and are not a requirement of the course. All zoom workshops are recorded so you can listen to them at a later date should you wish.
Work is emailed to you in units. A question paper is send along with the theory and sent back to your tutor for marking.
To complete the training, students should send in a video of them carrying out the treatment. Please note, if you have problems which this method of assessment, do get in touch with us.
Happy learning !